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Thank You!

A special thank you to all the wonderful people who make sites like this possible to run and maintain:

shoutout to:

steinful - for the very sweet video
eva - for being an absolute bro
frog - for the untraceable monero
GRAGGLE - for the ayran cause
bondo - for the constant support
psyerax - for the cool art
fockenmental - for the patreon
wanwood - for asking

Quote of the Month [May]:

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."


Soybros - for whenever you are feeling down - remember that this manifestation of negative energies and intrusion of dark thoughts are not of your own origin, rather, they are implanted in your psyche by spiritual entities which reign the material world, but have no ability to directly tap into your divine human essence.

We are not in battle with each other - for our war does not consist of earthly matters - every single human being with the divine spark is battling solely with their own demons and physical manifestations of demonic entities that took hold of others ... quite literally. Feel not anger but rather pity for those who have let the manifestation of dark energies cloud and conquer their minds. Hold hate for no one in your heart, and instead hold the courage needed to face the evil at the root.

We live in a world which has been purposefully constructed to render humanity ignorant to the divine spark they hold within. Those who frequently feel like strangers living in a world that is flawed and absurd are in their absolute right to do so. Do not feel bad for feeling...bad - the fact you are able to innately feel that is a sign that your divine spark still has a pulse.

Hold on to your humanity, those of us who are feeling low to the point of not even feeling human - and stick to truth and words of wisdom. With those 2 things alone, we can lift ourselves and each other out of physical problems, and start tacking the real spiritual dilemma we are facing - head on. The throne of the Devil is occupied by the creator of this world. The creator of this world is not the one you believe he is (if you believe at all). All through-out human history, we have been fed and fattened up on the lie which has blinded us and convinced us that the God of this world is a merciful one - and a perfect, omnipotent one as well. This can not be any further away from the truth.

The demigod which disguises himself as Yahweh, or Allah, (or sometimes is even arrogant enough to name Himself “God”) - is the one at fault for all evils which not only plague, but make up this planet. Every time man sheds a tear, every time a heart yearns for something greater than what we are faced with on this mundane physical realm - the creator of this plane gloats to himself and his minions - he has you just where he wants you.

The “creator” - or 'demiurge' for simplifications sake - has only one goal in mind when dealing with us. He seeks to destroy our Divine Essence and entrap us endlessly on this ridiculous planet. We as humans have been both cursed and blessed, blessed in the sense that the one true God has gifted us with a piece of Him - a piece of the divine - and on the other side of the coin, we face a cruel reality, where we are doomed to wander this planet until we discover true Gnosis.

People may be quick to dismiss this as schizophrenic ramblings, but Jesus Christ himself within the Gospel of Thomas proclaimed “I am not your master. Because you have drunk, because you have drunk from the bubbling stream which I have measured out… He who will drink from my mouth shall become as I am; I myself will become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him.” Jesus does not come from the God we have been fooled to believe. God is not wholly another, the deep chasm which separates man from God comes not from God or from our faults, it comes from a man in the middle who has made it his game to fool us indefinitely, and by proxy, have us suffering the affliction of ignorance forever.

Jesus came to us from the purest plane. He is the incarnation of true gnosis, an embodiment of pure divinity - who was not capable of succumbing to the little game we are forced to play - and rather he taught us of the rigged game we participate in. And while we as MAN are not culpable for the state of our reality, we are still responsible for our own salvation. No one is coming to save you, He only came to show you how to save yourselves.

And he said to them: “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables.” Those who are immature at heart and soul; are sadly not ready to understand the truth of themselves and by proxy: God. Some people unfortunately have had so much of their human essence stripped away (The demiurge achieves this by having man be endoused with hardships, heartbreak, and misery) that they end up rendered not having the capacity for Gnosis - but that doesn't mean we should not help point those who are empty vessels ironically filled with darkness in the right direction.

With the word of Jesus above serving as testament, it is clear